Join CPRS Today!

There is a reason 86% of ALL California Park & Recreation Agencies have active members in the
California Park & Recreation Society

CPRS is "The Leader" in providing California's park and recreation professionals with Education, Networking, Resources, and Advocacy. CPRS member benefits include:

1)      Relevant education about park and recreation issues and trends
2)      Networking opportunities where professionals connect across agency boundaries and disciplines
3)      Resources where professionals can find a multitude of information in one location

4)      Advocacy for Parks & Recreation

Join Online - Regular Members

Regular Member

Professional Member Employed Full Time who works for an Agency that is NOT a member of CPRS ($165 per year)

Regular Member with Agency

Professional Member Employed Full Time by a CPRS Agency Member ($145 per year)

Click the button below to start! You will be asked to select your category on the second step.

Join Online - Student Members

Student Member at a Member University

($55 per year)

Student Member at a Non-Member University

($65 per year)

You must be a Full-Time student in order to qualify for the student membership rate. In the process below you will be asked to upload your current class schedule showing the number of units you are carrying. You will be asked to select your category on the second step and we have provided a list of the Member Universities. Click the button below to start!