CPRS Maintenance Management School 2024

CPRS Maintenance Management School 2024

General Information

CPRS welcomes 150+ park and recreation professionals from 60+ agencies across the state to participate in our annual Maintenance Management School ("MMS") hosted at the beautiful UCLA Lake Arrowhead Lodge.  MMS offers five unique years of programming and curriculum intentionally designed for the professional development of attendees: first year, second year, and grad forum (with a rotating curriculum spanning three years).  To learn more about the specific learning objectives and experiences offered for each year, please visit: www.cprs.org/education/mms

Payment of the registration fee provides students an all-inclusive experience, including:  

  • Four days of education, professional development engagements, and networking opportunities 
  • All learning materials and supplies 
  • Windbreaker jacket 
  • All meals while on-site (i.e., four breakfasts, four lunches, and four dinners)
  • Four nights of lodging at the UCLA Lake Arrowhead Lodge 
  • Continuing Education Units ("CEUs")

Students who register are expected to participate in the entirety of the school from Monday, November 4th at 11 am through Friday, November 8th at 11:30 am.  Students are strongly discouraged from leaving early on Friday as tempting as it may be with the long holiday weekend ahead (Veterans Day on Mon., 11/11).  Thank you in advance for planning accordingly. 

For more information and details about the school including FAQs, please visit the Maintenance Management School page on the CPRS websitewww.cprs.org/education/mms


If you are new to our system, please create an account or login to move forward with registration (use the forgot password prompts if needed).  If at any point you experience friction with registration or logging in, please call CPRS HQ at (916) 665-2777.  

If you are registering someone other than yourself, you will click the "Register someone else" button below.  After designating who you are registering, please click the "Edit registrant information" link to view/edit the contact information on file BEFORE completing their registration.  The information on file at the time of registration will be used to provide students with important information before the school begins.  Please do not use generic/shared emails (e.g., info@agencyabc.net); it is important each student have a unique email address.  

 2024 MMS Pricing CPRS Member Rate       Non-Member Rate
Early Registration 
Ends Monday, September 16 at 11:59 pm (Pacific) 
 $1,900  $2,300
Standard Registration 
Tuesday, September 17 to Tuesday, October 1 at 11:59 pm (Pacific)
 $2,100  $2,500
Transportation to/from Ontario Airport  $120 $130

The deadline to register is Tuesday, October 1, 2024.

Participation may not be guaranteed until payment is received by CPRS HQ.  Seats cannot be held or saved.  We highly recommend being prepared to issue payment via credit card over the phone or online.  If you/your agency are limited to issuing payment via check, please contact CPRS HQ at (916) 665-2777 to initiate the invoice process.  


Each year of programming has a limited capacity and may fill up quickly.  CPRS will maintain a waitlist to be monitored daily.  We anticipate "movement" among the waitlist by early October.
To get on the waitlist or inquire about registration logistics, please email CPRS HQ at cprs@cprs.org with the full name, email, title, gender, & program year of the person joining the waitlist.

As of 08/12/2024:

  • Grad Forum has tentatively sold out
  • Second-Year has tentatively sold out
  • First-Year has tentatively sold out

Cancellation & Transfers

All cancellation and transfer requests must be submitted in writing via email to Lauren Oakley (she/her) at Lauren@cprs.org.  You may reach out via email or phone at (916) 665-2777 to discuss your options.  

Cancelations requested by Friday, August 30, 2024, will be eligible for a full refund less a $100 cancelation fee. 
Cancelations requested by Friday, September 20, 2024, will be eligible to receive a 50% refund.  
Cancelations requested on or following Saturday, September 21, 2024, will not be eligible to receive a refund.  

In the event a registrant is no longer able to attend, a transfer to an alternative participant at your agency/company may be requested.  We cannot guarantee a transfer will be permitted unless the transferee is due to participate in the same year of programming and presents as the same gender as the original student.  In the event the transferee differs from the original student's year of programming and/or gender, we can add the transfer request to our wait list to monitor if/when an opportunity to pursue the transfer emerges.  If a transfer is approved less than 30 days in advance of the school, we cannot guarantee a windbreaker jacket will be available in the desired size of the transferee.  

Transfers requested by Friday, September 20, 2024, will be subject to a $50 transfer fee if approved. 
Transfers requested on or following Saturday, September 21, 2024, will be subject to a $100 transfer fee if approved.  
If CPRS membership status differs between the original student and transferee, the price difference for registration/transportation will be assessed at the time of approval in addition to the transfer fee. 

Attendee Expectations & Other Details

Arrival Information: Check in will be between 11:00 am and Noon on Monday, November 4th, in the lobby of the Lake Arrowhead main lodge.
Departure Information:  We will conclude on Friday, November 8th by 11:30 am.  Please schedule all return flights to depart after 2:30pm on Friday. 

Housing & UCLA Lake Arrowhead Lodge Rules:

  • Housing accommodations are shared condo units. Most units have separate bedrooms/bathrooms and a shared living room. Room assignments are coordinated by CPRS and roommate requests are considered but not guaranteed.  Learn more here
  • UCLA Lake Arrowhead Lodge is a smoke-free and vapor-free venue.  Students are not permitted to bring alcohol nor other recreational drugs/substances on-site; alcohol will be available for purchase during the scheduled social events.  

Attendee Expectations & Acknowledgements:

  • The school is an in-depth training program that requires full participation for all sessions and projects. Students will be provided a detailed week-long schedule outlining sessions and the start/end times upon arrival if not sooner. CPRS and its Regent designees reserve the right to immediately terminate from the school anyone who is found to have violated attendance expectations. Terminations will be sent home at their own expense and without refund.
  • We request your cooperation in encouraging and upholding the highest professional standards at all CPRS sponsored events.  Attendees, presenters, vendors and staff at CPRS events are expected to conduct themselves at all times in a courteous, professional, and respectful manner.  Attendees are expected to abstain from behavior that reflects poorly on their agency/company and CPRS.  Examples of such conduct includes, but is not limited to, actions disrupting the educational atmosphere, harassment, discrimination, inappropriate language, failing to comply with all local, state, and federal laws, and activities that endanger self or others.  While we do not anticipate these challenges, we do want to be transparent regarding our commitment to assuring a safe and enjoyable environment for all event participants and let you know that misconduct will be addressed with the attendee individually and/or with the attendee’s employer.  Those who do not comply with these expectations at the event may be removed from said event and barred from attending future CPRS sponsored or co-sponsored events.
  • By registering to attend this event, the attendee agrees to the attendance expectations, cancellation policy and participation levels set forth for the Maintenance Management School in addition to the campus/venue rules of UCLA Lake Arrowhead Lodge.
  • By registering to attend this event, the attendee authorizes CPRS to list their name and contact information on an attendee roster, including their email which may be used by CPRS, students or vendors.
  • By registering to attend this event, the attendee gives permission and consent to allow photographs and video to be taken during activities sponsored by CPRS.  The attendee further gives permission and consent that any such media may be published and used by CPRS and its agents, to illustrate and promote the association and its programs.  The attendee understands it is their responsibility to communicate with CPRS if they do not wish to be photographed or videoed.

Sponsor & Product Showcase and Vendor Fair Information

Sponsor & Product Showcase and Vendor Fair | $1,500

  • Three minutes to give a solution-oriented overview of products or services to all students on Wednesday 
  • Display table at the Vendor Fair
  • Inclusion in Vendor Fair BINGO
  • Recognition on the Sponsor/Vendor Fair banner(s)
  • One ticket to enjoy lunch with students (additional tickets available for purchase under Wednesday program items)
  • Note: lodging not available at the host venue

MMS School Sponsor | $4,000 | SECURED

  • Only one available annually 
  • Logo placement on MMS webpage 
  • Logo banner hung in prominent location during the entirety of the school
  • Two minutes to welcome all students on Monday as part of the Opening Session 
  • Opportunity to provide a branded amenity for all students at school check-in 
  • Invitation to attend the Tuesday evening social with students 
  • One sleeping room for either Monday or Tuesday evening at the school venue, UCLA Lake Arrowhead Lodge 
  • Sponsor & Product Showcase and Vendor Fair included ($1,500 value; see details above)

MMS Wednesday Social Sponsor | $2,500

  • Only one available annually 
  • One ticket to enjoy dinner on Wednesday night with students (additional tickets available for purchase under Program Items)
  • Invitation to participate as a Guest Judge at the annual Aeronautical Engineering Competition (immediately preceding social) 
  • Invitation to attend the Wednesday evening social event with students
  • Opportunity to disburse 75 drink tickets to attendees.  Additional tickets available to be purchased at $10/per.  
  • Logo poster displayed in a prominent location during event
  • Acknowledgement as sponsor in on-site schedule
  • One sleeping room for Wednesday evening at the school venue, UCLA Lake Arrowhead Lodge 
  • Sponsor & Product Showcase and Vendor Fair included ($1,500 value; see details above)

MMS Thursday Social Sponsor | $3,500 SECURED

  • Only one available annually 
  • Note: Sponsor is expected to bring an item for the Live Auction (taking place during the event)
  • One ticket to enjoy dinner on Thursday night with students (additional tickets available for purchase under Program Items)
  • Invitation to attend the Thursday evening football-themed social event with students
  • Opportunity to disburse 150 drink tickets to attendees.  Additional tickets available to be purchased at $10/per.  
  • Logo poster displayed in a prominent location during event
  • Acknowledgement as sponsor in on-site schedule
  • One sleeping room for Thursday evening at the school venue, UCLA Lake Arrowhead Lodge 
  • Sponsor & Product Showcase and Vendor Fair included ($1,500 value; see details above)

MMS Year Sponsor | $2,000

  • Only three available annually 
    • Choose to sponsor the First-Year, Second-Year, or Grad Forum programs 
  • Two minutes to address students of the programming year sponsored on Wednesday
  • Logo poster displayed in the classroom of the sponsored programming year 
  • Logo included on school banner hung in prominent location during the school
  • Sponsor & Product Showcase and Vendor Fair included ($1,500 value; see details above)

Scholarship Sponsor | $1,900

  • 100% tax-deductible donation remitted to the MMS scholarship Fund with California Foundation for Parks and Recreation, a 501(c)3 organization
  • Logo on MMS webpage from time of commitment through April 2025
  • Logo placement on scholarship application
  • Logo placement on scholarship fundraising bucket at the school 
  • Verbal acknowledgement by school Regent in closing ceremony w/ logo placement in PowerPoint display 
  • Opportunity to participate in the Sponsor & Product Showcase and Vendor Fair for an additional $500 ($1000 savings).  To take advantage of this opportunity, please call CPRS HQ at (916) 665-2777.

Live Auction Sponsor | VARIES
The Thursday evening social will include a Live Auction for all attendees.  Proceeds will be donated to the MMS Scholarship Fund supporting future students.  Donated items must be shipped in advance (received by 11/01/2024) to the MMs Vendor and Sponsor Chair, Jacob Lichtenberger.  To learn more and/or commit to being a Live Auction Sponsor, please contact Jacob Lichtenberger directly. 

  • Logo on MMS webpage
  • Logo poster displayed in auction room
  • Email introduction to winner of item contributed
  • Logo placement on scholarship fundraising bucket at the school 
  • Acknowledgement of sponsor, prize, and winner on CPRS social media

Accessibility Information & ADA Requests

Immediately below is some information about the on-site experience and facilities:
Most education sessions will utilize a projector and screen to display presentation slides, but the delivery and supplies will vary across the year-specific programs. Most education will be delivered while students are seated at tables, however, some activities will be outside the classroom with students on their feet.  
On Wednesday, during the Vendor Fair, there will be some physical/recreational activities in which students may participate.  
Several dwellings are located a short distance from the dining hall (within the main lodge) and classrooms requiring a few minutes to walk to and from.  Some dwellings also involve a steep incline/decline. 

Please answer the registration question below to indicate any reasonable requests you may have to facilitate your full participation.  For true ADA requests and questions concerning accessibility please email Lauren Oakley (she/her) at Lauren@cprs.org or call her at (916) 665-2777.  Accommodations such as interpreters cannot be guaranteed without 30 days notice. To ensure availability, requests must be received by October 1, 2024.

Membership Status

The membership rate will automatically be applied based on your current membership status. If you need assistance with your membership, before registering, please call the CPRS HQ at (916) 665-2777.

Complete Registration

Once you click 'Register Myself' or 'Register Someone Else', you will see some required and optional questions below.  When you have answered the questions below, please be sure to click the Save Responses button. This will ensure that your transaction successfully goes to the online cart when you complete your registration.

If you are registering on behalf of someone else, a
fter designating who you are registering, please click the "Edit registrant information" link to view/edit the contact information on file BEFORE completing their registration.  A valid email address is essential and a mobile phone number is desired.  

All students will participate in Deep Dive discussion groups on Tuesday, 11/05.  Below the "Registration Options" you will find items sorted by date under "Program." Within "Tuesday, 05 November 2024" please add one deep dive topic to the student's itinerary.

11/4/2024 - 11/8/2024
850 Willow Creek Road Lake Arrowhead, CA 92352



Monday, 04 November 2024

11/4/2024 - 11/8/2024

Our highest level of recognition. Only available for 1 company! Purchase includes Product Showcase & Vendor Fair w/ one lunch ticket.

Sponsor of the evening social on Wednesday, November 6th including the aeronautical engineering competition. Purchase includes Product Showcase & Vendor Fair w/ one lunch ticket.

Sponsor of the football-themed evening social on Thursday, November 7th at which the live auction will take place!  Purchase includes Product Showcase & Vendor Fair w/ one lunch ticket.

Sponsor of the MMS First-Year program.  Purchase includes Product Showcase & Vendor Fair w/ one lunch ticket.

Sponsor of the MMS Second-Year program.  Purchase includes Product Showcase & Vendor Fair w/ one lunch ticket.

Sponsor of the MMS Grad Forum program.  Purchase includes Product Showcase & Vendor Fair w/ one lunch ticket.

100% tax-deductible donation to the MMS Scholarship Fund with the CA Foundation for Parks and Recreation.  If purchased, may participate in Product Showcase & Vendor Fair for only $500.  Call CPRS HQ at (916) 665-2777 to take advantage of this offer.

Tuesday, 05 November 2024

On Tuesday, 11/05, all students will participate in a deep dive discussion group about a topic of their choice.  Students are encouraged to select their intended deep dive topic in advance.  This election may be changed up until the registration deadline of October 1, 2024.
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
1:00 PM

On Tuesday, 11/05, all students will participate in a deep dive discussion group about a topic of their choice.  Students are encouraged to select their intended deep dive topic in advance.  This election may be changed up until the registration deadline of October 1, 2024.
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
1:00 PM

On Tuesday, 11/05, all students will participate in a deep dive discussion group about a topic of their choice.  Students are encouraged to select their intended deep dive topic in advance.  This election may be changed up until the registration deadline of October 1, 2024.
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
1:00 PM

On Tuesday, 11/05, all students will participate in a deep dive discussion group about a topic of their choice.  Students are encouraged to select their intended deep dive topic in advance.  This election may be changed up until the registration deadline of October 1, 2024.
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
1:00 PM

On Tuesday, 11/05, all students will participate in a deep dive discussion group about a topic of their choice.  Students are encouraged to select their intended deep dive topic in advance.  This election may be changed up until the registration deadline of October 1, 2024.
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
1:00 PM

Wednesday, 06 November 2024

Dinner ticket for social sponsors to attend dinner the evening of their sponsored social beyond the singular ticket included in the sponsorship package.
11/6/2024 - 11/7/2024

Add one lunch on the day of the Vendor Fair, Wednesday, November 6th

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